Who we are
Ska Train is a development house who focus on producing apps that deliver social benefits.
We set up the company with the aim of identifying ways in which the use of simple tech solutions can help our communities.
Our team have over 15 years’ experience in delivering apps and programming projects to start ups and established businesses across the country, and now we are using this experience to deliver apps under our own banner.
We are excited to announce the June 2021 launch of our first app, Safestep.
In the meantime, our tech team are working on a range of other apps that we can’t wait to bring you over the coming months!
What We Offer
Ska train offers cutting edge technology delivered in a simple to use format…all with a community focus
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More Info
Safestep is an innovative app, designed to support people traveling or working alone and over the coming weeks we are looking forward to working with employers, universities, colleges, student bodies, and councils to roll out Safestep.
Click the Image above to view the SafeStep Website and download the app from either the Google Play Store or Apple App Store

Want to Work with Us
We have a number of projects in the pipeline, but if you had an idea, wanted to discuss a project or simply fancied a chat then please get in touch